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We believe in a God who loves children and also a God who can do mighty things through them. So Cairnhill Methodist Church took the opportunity to throw a party in celebration for these young ones. Preparations the day before had left every Cairnhill volunteer pumped-up for the big event. Even the early morning drizzle could not dampen our spirits.

"What can science tell us about God? Well, the Mad Scientist and Chef Marie (our very own husband-and-wife team – Chi Hong & Marie) shown us science demonstrates God’s rules in our lives! Over at the PAH, everybody’s eyes were glued as they watched the reaction of 2 chemicals with a ‘KA POW’ effect. The lesson behind it: Only with God in our lives will we find the excitement and significance that we seek."

The AVA rooms was also bustling with energy from the younger ones (ages 6 and below) as Amy Tan led the children in an awesome time of worship and fun.

“One of the most precious sights this morning was to see little children give their lives to Jesus. Touched to know that His love reached out even to those we least notice – those who care for our kids in our homes.
— Amy Tan

Before long, excitement filled the air as kids made their way from the PAH and AVA rooms to enjoy the rest of the day. Piping hot local delights and sugary treats had many queuing for more. We shall let the photos do the talking!

It was wonderful to have 700 guests in our midst. We thank God for them.

It was through God’s divine provision, the combined efforts of many individuals and countless nights of kneeling down in prayer as a family that made this possible. What a moving sight to see that the whole church playing their part to welcome the little children (and parents) to this family!


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