tuesday lifegroup
This is a Lifegroup that meets online only – a legacy of Covid. We have decided to keep this platform online because some of our members cannot make face-to-face meetings because of special family needs.
When: 2 Tuesdays in a month, 8pm, Zoom

Denis & Kathleen,
& Deborah
"I joined the Lifegroup led by Kat and Denis after completing the Alpha course in 2021. Through our meetings, we got to dive deeper into the Word, help each other have a better understanding of God’s love for us, share and grow together in a safe environment. God has shown me during this time how He is our healer, provider and restorer. I am grateful for having Kat, Denis, and other members who were with me while I was recovering last year. Their prayers and support was much appreciated. My Lifegroup is always ready to support one another through difficult times, provide counsel and a listening ear, cheer each other on, and celebrate triumphs. It’s been a joy experiencing God’s love with my Lifegroup!" - FAITH YEO
Family tuesday lifegroup
Our meetings start with fellowship over dinner. We are a small group of family members and we share about what is happening in our lives, what God is doing in our respective immediate families, our trials, tribulations, joys and blessings. There is no set pattern with respect to what we might do or discuss during our meetings. We let the Holy Spirit lead. There are sessions where we just fellowship and other sessions where there is prolonged praise and worship. However, generally we have worship, followed by discussion on the Word and then we pray. We welcome anyone who would like to join us.
When: Every Tuesday, 7.30pm
James & Audrey
Young adults wednesday LIfegroup
Consisting mainly of young adults in university and those who are just starting out in their careers, this Lifegroup enjoys time together being fed physically and spiritually. We fellowship over dinner, before studying the Word and praying together weekly.
When: Every Wednesday, 7pm

Leaders: Andrew, Christine
thursday lifegroup
We are a group that started many years ago but has morphed and refreshed over the years. We have just finished running an Alpha from home and are starting this year with the new Alpha participants. This has brought excitement and refreshed our group. We are currently studying book studies from the Bible. If you are interested in visiting this group we would love to hear from you.
When: Every 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 8pm

Denis & Kathleen,
" “I don’t need to be in a Lifegroup” That was what I believed for the longest time. I discovered how wrong I’ve been after visiting and subsequently joining Kat and Denis’ group in June 2019. Their group focuses on digesting God’s Word through book-based studies, with sessions starting with worship and ending with fellowship over supper. It has been a tremendous blessing to do life together - life in learning God’s Word, peeling it like an onion, sharing and discussing what it means and how we can apply it, praying together and building relationships with one another. I’ve been able to weather life’s storms better, thanks to the support and truths gained from Lifegroup."
Mandarin lifegroup
We focus on studying God’s Word systematically in order to cover all the books of the Bible. We have finished studying the New Testament, and have begun studying the Old Testament since November last year.
The group first met in 2012. We now have on average 15 people attending. Quite a few have come to know God through attending the Lifegroup. A few have returned home to be with the Lord, being supported and comforted by brothers and sisters in the group before they departed. Brothers and sisters enjoy the fellowship in the Lifegroup very much. We worship God, pray for one another and share testimonies of our encounter with God to encourage one another.
When: Every Thursday, 7.30pm

Seng Long & Susanna

Eugene, ming thai, & simon
Bishan lifegroup
The Bishan Lifegroup began as a group of Sunday school teachers who got together with our young families. We believe in that as children of God, we need to serve the body of Christ - the church, and be fruitful as we dedicate our lives to our Creator. Over the years, we have been heavily involved in overseas and local missions and in serving across different ministries within CaMC. We focus on fellowship and the application of God's Word to our lives when meet at various locations as our members take turns to host. We welcome you to our Lifegroup!
When: 2 Fridays a month, 8pm
Ladies Bible study group
This group consists of ladies who are only available in the mornings when their children are in school. We gather together to share life, support one another and study God's Word regularly. We also meet for prayers as and when requested.
When: 2 Fridays a month, 10am, Zoom
Friday LIfegroup
We meet on alternate Friday evenings. This group was formed a couple of months before Covid19 became the pandemic that changed how social interactions happen. It was because of Covid19 that the group also meets in a hybrid manner; in person and simultaneously over Zoom. Those who cannot attend in person can dial-in.
The focus is on studying God’s Word and allowing the Word to transform our lives. Each session starts with worship before going into the study of 1 chapter of the selected book of the Bible. We have so far completed the book of Matthew, and as of January 2024, journeying through chapter 31 of Genesis. The study of the Word focuses on how the passage might reveal life applications in our current season.
When: 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, 8pm, In-person or Zoom

Leaders: Andrew & Christine
Ronnie & Anita
raintree lifegroup
This Lifegroup is an accumulation of all the Alphas conducted by Ronnie & Anita over a span of more than 20 years. Some members of this Lifegroup are members of other churches. There will be worship, discussion and prayer. Discussion is based on in-person teaching or watching a teaching series on video together. They have covered many topics through different seasons. The group has been challenged to be more outward-looking and they take part in outreach projects and do regular missions trips together.
When: 2 Fridays a month, 8pm

Samuel & Jeannette,
& sabrina
OYA is a lively group of Jesus’ followers that meet together on the first and third Saturday evening of each month. We consist of young adults in our late twenties to early thirties. OYA stands for Only Yahweh Always. Our name is a reminder for every member of the group to put Jesus at the center of his or her life always. We usually have dinner together before starting our sessions. Our group was on the class meeting format for 2 years before embarking on Bible book studies in 2023. If you are curious about our LG, we'd love to have you visit us.
When: 2 Saturdays a month, 7.30pm

choy kian & irene,
Sharon & Tom
saturday lifegroup
We are a group of church members in different stages of growth as Christians who do life together. We are all parents, with school-going kids from Primary school to University. We believe in gathering together to share life and support each other as a community within the larger church, encourage each other to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:25), and raise our children to know God our Abba Father. Our twice-a-month meetings involve sharing on life, revealing Jesus in the Word, and doing interest-based activities such as hiking, and biking. It is our desire to be lights for Jesus to our loved ones and families and we do this through inclusiveness of our interest-based activities.
When: every 1st & 3rd Saturday, 4.30pm
"My kids are now attending another church, so it would nice to attend the same church together with them. However, the reason I don’t leave Cairnhill Church is because of this Lifegroup led by Irene and Tom that I have been attending, where close friendships have been built. Lifegroup is family. We meet to share life every first and third Saturday of the month, give sacrificially to meet one another’s needs and grow together spiritually and in faith. I have been encouraged and reminded by the brothers and sisters' insightful sharing and how they apply what they understand from God and Bible in various situations they are in. My pre-believer husband has his own preconceived idea of Christianity. I thank God for this Lifegroup as through the activities and food, members seek to know my husband and relate to him with sincerity, actions, and lives that glorify God. This is a place where I do not feel any pressure but feel secure and comfortable to share my fears and struggles. This is the first contact point when I need prayers. Support and help pours in immediately - prayers churn in despite them being busy at work. Without this Lifegroup, I would have been lost and not attend any church. Thank you for giving sacrificially to lead this Lifegroup." - FIONA TAY
Youth Lifegroups are made up of teenagers aged 13-19 years old.
They are split up according to levels. Lifegroup happens after the youth service. Reflection of the day's sermon, prayers, fellowship, and outings are part of the regular Lifegroup activities. Find out more about the youth ministry here.
When: Every Sunday (except 1st Sunday) , 10am

We are a group of church members in different stages of growth as Christians who do life together. We are all parents, with school-going kids from P1 to JC2. Our name, Spirit-led Life Group (SLG), is representative of our desire to grow as the Spirit leads, and to welcome all who would like to grow with us. Our twice-a-month meetings involve lots of feasting - on His Word and tasty snacks! We have covered several books in the Bible, including Luke and Ruth, and we are continuing on various Bible book studies. If you are curious about our Lifegroup, we'd love to have you visit us.
When: 1st & 3rd Sunday, 2.30pm